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Child Support

If you are the primary caregiver for your kids, you may face financial hardship if you are unable to negotiate a monthly child support plan that accounts for your family’s unique needs.

If you are the non-custodial parent, you want to ensure that your money is being used to further your children’s wellbeing, and not being wasted on the other parent’s lavish tastes or whims.

Child support is a monthly payment that is meant to help cover the children’s health insurance, medical care, food, housing, education, clothing, and other basic expenses.

That said, the subject of child support can quickly become complicated, confusing, and even frustrating for both parties.

That’s why it’s essential to talk to an attorney who understands the complexities of family law and will ensure you’re getting the support you deserve.



Regardless of whether we go to trial or mediation, You can rest assured that we’ll achieve the best possible outcome for you.

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